Accounting company in Almaty

Kamerir LLC

Legal company in Almaty


Accounting services

Accounting services

What does a director of a LLP or a sole proprietor feel when choosing an outsourcing accountant or accounting company? A confusion… There are too many offers in the market that are named similarly while implying totally different volume and quality of the accounting services provided.

“Kamerir” Accounting Company puts emphasis, above all, on quality of the services provided and security for our Clients.

In order to exclude any doubt, you can find our seminars and videos relating to Accounting and Tax accounting and created jointly with our partner, the Learning Center LC- Audit, on YouTube Channel –, and to subscribe to our newsletters, also.

Kamerir, LLP outsourcing accounting services may include:

  1. Payroll;
  2. Accounting for Settlements with accountable persons;
  3. Accounting for Fixed assets and Stock;
  4. Cash accounting;
  5. Accounting for Payments to/from counterparties;
  6. Accounting for Provisions;
  7. Accounting for Deferred assets and liabilities;
  8. Accounting for Payments to/from nonresidents;
  9. Processing and issuing of the accounting documents;
  10. Reconciliation of tax accounts with the Tax authorities;
  11. Preparation of the payment documents for the internet-banking;
  12. Interaction with the Client’s counterparties;
  13. Processing and issuing of the electronic invoices;
  14. Accounting for Import/Export operations including with the Eurasian Economic Union member countries;
  15. Preparation of the financial statements;
  16. Preparation and submitting of the tax reporting forms;
  17. Preparation and submitting of the statistical reporting forms;
  18. Support during audit and tax audit;
  19. Preparation of the accounting and tax accounting policies;
  20. Consulting on the subject matter of the contract.

To determine the provisional cost of the accounting services, you can send a request for a questionnaire by filling in the form below: